Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Surprise for Maddie

With Maddie gone to the Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL, Shawna wanted to tackle her room.  For quite sometime Maddie has been needing some way to store and display some of her things.  She had a large desk with a hutch but it had become a dumping ground for so many of the things that did not have a 'home'.  So, we spent about 2 and a half days working like the HGTV show, "Mission Organzation", making her room a place a beautiful space to come home to!

I wish I had taken a 'before' photo but alas, I did not.  So, I leave it to your imagination that the transformation was indeed a wonderful thing.  Since Maddie has so many tee shirts from various sources (volleyball, track, school, etc.) giving her adequate storage for them was her first objective and secondly she needed a place to display items such as her trophies, Elvis collection, various track metals and teenage 'girl stuff'.

We started by completly empting the desk onto the bed, and removing the desk from her room.  Next, Shawna purchased 5 'six-cubed' shelving units, which we all, Grandpa, Shawna and me all worked at putting together.   Maddie had been wanting to display some of the art work Shawna and Davis had done for her, so those were placed on the wall in and around the cubicles. 

On the other side of the room, the desk was removed as she always does her homework downstairs.  Dale installed 5 shelves that Shawna had on her 'one of these days project' list.  Dale put up all the shelves and Shawna created a nice little reading nook by relocating the chair in her room.

Lastly, she had a couple of bulletin boards above her bed that were overflowing with her sports ribbons and momentos from her sporting events.  For her age she is very accomplished in Volleyball and Track.  We repositioned the bulletin boards and Dale put in the 'coat hooks' as an easy and accessible was to display her arrary of metals.  Above the dresser Dale installed yet another shelf.  We also put up tiebacks for the drapes.  So, the unfinished room is now a comfortable and functional space. 
Needless to say, Maddie was totally shocked when she returned home from her trip last night.  She LOVES it and was quite speechless when she saw it!  So, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa, a job well done. And for Maddie a well deserved "thanks for being a great young lady"!!

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